Here's what you need to type to play god: We all seem to know someone whose killed a Sim. Kill and bring back to life Sims and pets

This will max all those things out to 10. If you want to apply this to a child Sim then you need to substitute with " Skill_Child_". The same applies to lots of other skills, you just need to substitute the word "Logic" for the following: If you wanted your Sim to be very logical you'd need to type " t_skill_level Major_Logic 10." Sim skill levels max out at 10 but if you want them to not completely have the skill type a lower number. Money : This allows you to make your household simoleons an exact number.FreeRealEstate : Make lots free or not when you type this in on the world or neighbourhood view.topay_bills : this turns the bills off and can also turn them on.Follow the initial cheat steps and then type in whichever of the following words you fancy: These cheats are probably the most important if you want your Sims to have all the material things they desire.

2 You could make your Sim happier and richer Shift + Click Sims 4 cheats